RatePlug for brokers lets you display and control affiliated Lender�s mortgage payment and branding information within the property listings that your agents send to homebuyers. Completely compliant with all regulations.
The screenshot below is an example of how RatePlug may display for your buyers within FlexMLS. The layout of the property information and location and type of RatePlug displays and links will vary depending on the MLS System that is used to generate the report. This is a live demo. RatePlug shows near the bottom of the page. You can enter the Estimated Sales Price and Down Payment and hit calculate to see RatePlug in action. In addition, A sample report may be available for viewing within FlexMLS for all VBR members. Look for �Mortgage Info� within the property detail report choices to determine if a Sample Report is available.
***This is a sample of a RatePlug display. Rate and mortgage information is for illustration purposes only.
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